Your MBE Center
MBE Center 0278 Catania
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Liccardi Giovanni
Solution Manager
MBE 0278 - Catania
Solution Center
Via Pola 15/A
95127 Catania

Shipping in Catania and more.

MBE Center 0278 in Catania, Via Pola 15/A, is highly specialized in professional packing and shipping services from Catania, managing domestic, international and customized shipping. The service is provided in the whole are of Catania and not only.

Postal services and domiciliation, digital printing, photocopies and faxes, packaging materials and office supplies are also available.

Feel free to contact us for any request or for a quotation.

MBE Solutions
Professional packing
MBE Address. Find a home for your post and parcels.
Didn't find what you were looking for?
Dino Marco Longhitano, 31/08/2024
Professionisti estremamente precisi e disponibili! Ho fruito dei loro servizi per trasportare una quantità enorme di oggetti (praticamente un trasloco mascherato da spedizione!), erano presenti anche molte cose fragili (bicchieri, vasi ed altri oggetti delicati) e, a destinazione dopo poco meno di 1.400km, ho ricevuto tutto perfettamente imballato ed intatto!! Estremamente soddisfatto io ed assolutamente consigliati loro!
Mariolina Munda, 17/02/2024
I gestori Giovanni e Tiziana ti accolgono con gentilezza e cortesia. Fanno un servizio eccellente ed altamente professionale, ti fanno sentire al sicuro e seguono la tua spedizione sino all’arrivo, pur avendo prezzi modici. Lo consigliamo a tutti. Giovanni Motta e Mariolina Munda
Emanuela Colella, 02/01/2024
Precisi e puntuali! Ho spedito due volte! Lo rifarò. Grazie
Rocco, 20/07/2023
I ragazzi sono gentili e professionali. Consigliato
Trombetta Laura, 13/01/2023
Molto professionali e gentili consigliatiasimo👍
Maria Narzisi, 16/12/2022
Gentilmente disponibili
izz lel, 15/11/2022
Non posso che dare 5 Stelle. I miei pacchi hanno fatto Catania/Edimburgo senza subire alcun danno. Spedivo anche merce molto fragile. Tutto arrivato integro e in sicurezza. Grazie davvero.
Alessandra Cerami, 12/10/2022
Ho spedito un pacco proprio oggi ed il personale è stato molto celere, professionale e gentile 😊 tornerò sicuramente per eventuali spedizioni future. Grazie!
Pacchi spediti mercoledì e arrivati oggi in ottime condizioni! Siete il Top come sempre!
concetto guarnera, 07/09/2022
Spediti 5 pacchi arrivati in 2 giorni, tutto perfetto, imballaggio top, personale qualificato, consigliatissimo
MBE Newsletter
News, discounts, promotions, previews, etc.
Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Centers are operated by independent operators as franchisees, who operate under a franchise agreement under the brand name of MBE. Through its franchise network Mail Boxes Etc. provides support services for businesses and individuals. Logistics and shipping services represent the main services of MBE – enabled by MBE through contractual agreements concluded for the benefit of its franchisees with the main domestic and international express couriers - and other graphics and printing services - provided either directly or on the basis of agreements with large printing centers. The promotion of services for business and private customers is carried out in the framework of the business activity of each MBE franchise partner within and outside of the MBE Centers ("farming"). Each franchise partner is contractually obligated to perform such activities. Mail Boxes Etc. and MBE are registered trademarks used with permission of MBE Worldwide S.p.A. (All Rights Reserved). The services offered by the individual MBE Centers can vary depending upon the location. The material available on this Internet site, the information contained herein and any other relevant related data may not in any manner be copied, distributed, changed, republished, reproduced, downloaded or forwarded to third parties, without the expressed prior written authorization of Sistema Italia 93 S.r.l. We accept no responsibility with regard to the unauthorized use of the material available on this Internet site, the information and/or the data contained herein.

Sistema Italia 93 S.r.l. • Viale Lunigiana 35-37 • 20125 Milano • Share capital € 208.000,00 • Companies Register of Milan / P.IVA 10697630159 • Tel. +39 02 67 625 1 • Fax +39 02 67 625 625 •
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