We know how
Mail Boxes Etc. offers complete and professional management of your postal needs. Even if you are not sure what you can ask for, visit an MBE Center to discover what is possible... to make your life easier
  • MBE Address. Find a home for your post and parcels.
  • Direct Mailing
  • Did you know that MBE Address offers a complete and professional management of all your postal needs?

    with the domiciliation service offered by MBE Address you have a safe and convenient space for all the parcels, letters and registered letters addressed to you. If you spend a lot of time away from home, on business trips or if you have no way to collect your correspondence, parcels or online purchases, with MBE Address you can find a personal address with the utmost confidentiality.

  • Ship your promotional mailing and
    reach new customers with MBE
Sistema Italia 93 S.r.l. • Viale Lunigiana 35-37 • 20125 Milano • Share capital € 208.000,00 • Companies Register of Milan / P.IVA 10697630159 • Tel. +39 02 67 625 1 • Fax +39 02 67 625 625 • mbeitaly@mbe.it
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If you are interested in opening a Center or acquiring the Licence please contact:



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