Everything ready for food delivery?

Communicate it in the right way with MBE

Print and Marketing Solutions

Finally you can resume your ice cream parlor activity thanks to the home delivery service. But are you ready for Food Delivery?

Communicate it to your customers in the right way! We want to put to your disposal our competences and our experience in Print & Marketing, suggesting you the right tools you need to use to communicate to your customers this new available service::

  • Social media posts (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Posters or stickers for showcase
  • Food delivery special menu
  • Food delivery special price

...and more and more customized marketing solutions based on your needs!

Grow your business with the MBE solutions for Print & Marketing!


Sistema Italia 93 S.r.l. • Viale Lunigiana 35-37 • 20125 Milano • Share capital € 208.000,00 • Companies Register of Milan / P.IVA 10697630159 • Tel. +39 02 67 625 1 • Fax +39 02 67 625 625 • mbeitaly@mbe.it
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